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An official website of the United States government

Promo Block

A promotional block with a title, description (optional), image (optional) and button. It typically showcases a major initiative or content marketing item.

View in Figma


Example of a promotional block with title, image, description and button.
  1. Title
  2. Image (optional)
  3. Description (optional)
  4. Call-to-action (CTA) button
  5. CTA button label


Choose from the following types of promo block components based on your page’s content design or organizational needs.

Promo block component [Default]The default promo block is a light promo block without an image.
If an image is unavailable, the promo block component variant without an image may be used.
Promo block with imageUse this variant to add an image to your promo block. Featuring an image is recommend in order to entice users to click on your content and to provide future context for your user.


Based on your page’s content design or organizational needs, you might need to modify the promo block further. The following modifiers are available to change the theme of your promo block or to change the placement of your image.

Theme Modifier
  • Use this modifier to change your promo block theme from “light” to “dark”.
  • Select a light theme when using lighter images and a darker theme when using darker images.
Alternating Image Modifier [Only possible with promo block with image variant]
  • Use this modifier to change the position of your image from display on the left side of the component to the right side of the component.
  • Using a promo block with an image to the left is recommended. When adding more than one promo block, it is recommended that you add them with alternating images — one with the image set to the left and the consecutive block with the image set to the right.


  • Use title to provide a shortened version of the page title or initiative.
    • If used for promotional purposes, title should have an action-oriented CTA to entice users.
  • Use image to entice users to click on promotional content and to provide context for content that will be covered on the page.
    • When using two or more promo block components, add components with alternating images. Do not add other components in between this type of component; doing so can interrupt the flow of the page causing the user to stop scrolling through the page
  • Use description to provide a concise description for the page or initiative.
  • Use CTA button to lead users to more information. CTAs can link to either internal or external pages.
  • Use action-driven button labels to entice users to click on promotional content

Where to use

  • Can be placed anywhere on your home page and landing pages.

When to use

  • Use promo block with an image within the body of your page to promote an important initiative or content item that needs to be displayed prominently.
  • Use promo block within the body of your page to promote an important initiative or content item that does not (and will not) have a related image.
    • Note: Text should be impactful and striking, as there is no supporting visual, while remaining concise and scannable.
  • Depending on the theme of your web page, the promo block with an image or promo block can be set to have either a dark or light theme, which changes the background color of the block.

When to consider something else

Best Practices

Character limits

Character limits are strongly recommended to ensure text is concise, scannable, and not visually distorted. Character limits are based on best practices and when a line of text will be forced to wrap onto a second line of text on desktop.

  • Title: 47 characters
  • Card description: 150 characters
  • Button label text: 20 characters

Image guidance and specs

NCIDS Promo Block 1:1 Image Style

  • Name - NCIDS Promo Block 1:1
  • Scale Width - 890px

NCIDS Promo Block 16:9 Image Style

  • Name - NCIDS Promo Block 16:9
  • Scale Width - 1280px


  • Ensure buttons have accessible names. Buttons within the promo block should have descriptive text that can be announced in assistive technologies such as screen readers. Modify the button aria-label or use screen reader visible text to augment vague call-to-action text such as “Learn More”.

Code Snippets

Dark Promo Block No Image

Component Preview

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024 (Dark)

NCI's research strategy supports investigator-initiated research and maximizes opportunities in emerging areas of science. The FY 2024 Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Light Promo Block No Image

Component Preview

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024 (Light)

NCI's research strategy supports investigator-initiated research and maximizes opportunities in emerging areas of science. The FY 2024 Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Dark Promo Block with Image

Component Preview
Promoblock Image 1

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal (Dark/Image)

The Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Learn More

Light Promo Block with Image

Component Preview
Promoblock Image 4

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal (Light/Image)

The Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Learn More

Dark Promo Block with Alternating Image

Component Preview
Promoblock Image 5

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal (Dark/Alternating)

The Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Learn More

Light Promo Block with Alternating Image

Component Preview
Promoblock Image 6

NCI Annual Plan & Budget Proposal (Light/Alternating)

The Annual Plan & Budget Proposal aligns with NCI's vision and supports cancer research.

Learn More


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet.

@forward "nci-promo-block";
/* This package should also be imported in your sass stylesheet if not already as NCI Promo Block is dependent on it. */
@forward "usa-button";