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An official website of the United States government

Call-to-Action Strip

A call-to-action (CTA) block with buttons to feature two to three different CTAs, which lead users to different pages.

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Example of a box containing three horizontally aligned buttons.
  1. CTA strip
  2. Button
  3. Button label


  • Use buttons on a CTA strip to provide users with links to two or three related CTAs. CTAs can lead to internal or external pages.
  • Use descriptive, concise button labels within CTA buttons to indicate to user what page they will navigate to upon clicking.
    • If a CTA strip is not paired alongside a hero component, CTA button labels should not require a description to be understood by the user.
  • CTA Strip should only be paired with a Hero component using the light theme.

Where to use

Use component at the top of your home or landing pages.

When to use

Use a CTA strip (in conjunction with either the Hero with CTA button or the Hero with tagline only) when a page needs to prominently display multiple CTAs. The CTA strip quickly directs users to important information on other pages.

  • Note: Use the Hero component variant “Hero with CTA strip” when adding the Hero and CTA strip components alongside each other. Learn more about Hero component variations.

When to consider something else

  • When CTAs are not relevant to one another and should not be grouped together, or showcasing CTAs for major initiatives or content marketing items that should be described further through an image and description.
  • Showcasing one primary CTA that should be more prominently displayed than all other information on the page.
  • Showcasing multiple content items that rely on their title and description to convey a message.

Best Practices

Character Limits

Character limits are strongly recommended to ensure text is concise, scannable, and not visually distorted.

  • Button label text: 20 characters


  • Ensure buttons have accessible names. Buttons within the promo block should have descriptive text that can be announced in assistive technologies such as screen readers. Modify the button aria-label or use screen reader visible text to augment vague call-to-action text such as “Learn More”.

Code Snippets


Component Preview


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet.

@forward "nci-cta-strip";
/* These packages should also be imported in your sass stylesheet if not already as NCI CTA Strip is dependent on them. */
@forward "usa-button";
@forward "usa-section";