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An official website of the United States government


A full-width hero image with a tagline, and option to add a call-to-action (CTA) button and/or a CTA strip of 2-3 buttons.

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Example of a full-width hero image with a tagline, a primary call-to-action button and a call-to-action strip.
  1. Background image

  2. Tagline

  3. Primary call-to-action button (Optional)

  4. Call-to-action strip (Optional)

  5. Button

  6. Button label (Required, if using button)


Choose from the following types of hero components based on your page's content design or organizational needs.

Hero [Default]The default hero component is a light-themed hero with a tagline and an optional primary CTA button.
Hero with CTA stripIf more than one CTA needs to be prominently featured, use the "Hero with CTA Strip" variant to add a CTA strip to your hero component.


Based on your page's content design or organizational needs, you might need to modify the hero component. The following modifiers are available to change the theme of your hero component or to add relevant CTA button(s).

Theme Modifier
  • Use this modifier to change your hero component theme from “light” to “dark.”
  • Select a light theme when using lighter images and a darker theme when using darker images.
  • If using the “Hero with CTA Strip variant”, you must use the light theme.


  • Use tagline to set the tone for the site or section of the site.
  • Use primary CTA button when pointing to the most important "next step" for user to take from the home or landing page.
  • Use buttons on a CTA strip when providing users with links to two or three related CTAs. CTAs can lead to internal or external pages.
  • Use descriptive, concise button labels within CTA buttons to indicate to user what page they will navigate to upon clicking.
  • Use either a light or dark theme depending on the imagery and themes of your page to create a sense of cohesion and flow for the user.

Where to use

  • Use the hero image at the top of your home page and landing pages to set the tone for the site or section of the site.

When to use

  • Hero with tagline only: Use component to communicate a high-level overview of the content of your site or for a section of your site.
    • This variation should be used if the page does not need to display a CTA more prominently than others on the page, or if a CTA does not communicate the main purpose of the home page or landing page.
    • The tagline should highlight the page's main initiative(s) and entice the user to scroll through the page.
  • Hero with primary CTA button: If there is a primary CTA for the home page or landing page, use the CTA button option to display both a tagline and a prominently displayed CTA. This CTA should be the most important “next step” you want users to take on your site.
  • Hero with CTA button or with tagline only and CTA strip: If the page has three-four CTAs, use the CTA button option to prominently display a CTA alongside two to three important CTAs. The CTA strip should only be used with Hero components using the light theme.

When to consider something else

  • Showcasing CTAs for major initiatives or content marketing items that aren't the main purpose of the site or section and should be described further through an image and description.
  • Showcasing multiple content items that rely on their title and description to convey a message.

Best Practices

Character limits

Character limits are strongly recommended to ensure text is concise, scannable, and not distorted. Character limits are based on best practices and when a line of text will be forced to wrap onto a second line of text on desktop.

  • Tagline:
    • Hero with CTA button: 28 characters
    • Hero with tagline only: 56 characters
  • [Optional] Button label text: 20 characters

Image guidance and specs

  • Widescreen Breakpoint
    • Fixed Height
    • Upload Size - 2800px x 854px (@2x retina)
  • Desktop Breakpoint
    • Fixed Height
    • Upload Size - 2048px x 854px (@2x retina)
  • Tablet Large Breakpoint
    • Fixed Height
    • Upload Size - 1760px x 854px (@2x retina)
  • Tablet and Mobile Large Breakpoints
    • Aspect Ratio - 16:9
    • Minimum Upload Size - 1280px x 720px (@2x retina)
  • Mobile Breakpoint
    • Aspect Ratio - 1:1
    • Minimum Upload Size - 640px x 640px (@2x retina)

External Links

For CTA Strip buttons that have links outside of .gov and other supported sites, an external link icon will be added at the end of the button's title to indicate that the link will go to an external site. This icon is added automatically based on where the link the is going to, but can also be overridden to display or be hidden regardless of the link.

  • To override an INTERNAL link to be displayed as EXTERNAL, add the class ncids-external-link to the anchor (<a>) element.
  • To override an EXTERNAL link to be displayed as INTERNAL, add the data attribute data-ncids-internal-link to the anchor (<a>) element.


  • .usa-sr-only provides an easy way to include contextual information to Learn More links in the hero call to action button.

Code Snippets

Default Hero

Component Preview
NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

Hero with Button

Component Preview
NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

Learn More

Hero with Button with External Link Icon

Component Preview
Hero with Externally Linked Primary CTA

Hero with Externally Linked Primary CTA

External Link Example

Hero with Button Internal Link with External Link Icon Override

Component Preview
Hero with Internally Linked Primary CTA with External Link Icon Override

Hero with Internally Linked Primary CTA with External Link Icon Override

Internal Link Override with Icon

External Link with Internal Link Override

Component Preview
Hero with Externally Linked Primary CTA with Internal Link

Hero with Externally Linked Primary CTA with Internal Link

External Link Override with No Icon

Default Hero with Button & Text Box and CTA Strip

Component Preview
NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

Learn More

Default Hero with Button & Text Box and CTA Strip External Links

Component Preview

Hero Dark

Component Preview
NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

Hero Dark with Button

Component Preview
NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

NCI is the nation's leader in cancer research.

Learn More