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Buttons are interactive elements that communicate action, conveying a specific call-to-action (CTA) for users to take on a webpage.

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Example of a blue button containing text next to a chevron.
  1. Label
  2. Icon


Choose from following types of button components based on your page's content design or organizational needs.

Default button
  • Use the default button variant to add a standard button to your page.
  • Default buttons can be added in primary, secondary, accent cool, accent warm, base colors.
Outline button
  • Use outline button variant based on the design and content needs of your page.
  • Outline button can be added in primary and secondary colors. The inverse can also be used to add a light color button for dark backgrounds.
Unstyled button
  • Use the unstyled button to add a button that looks like a link.


Based on your organizational needs, you might need to modify the button component. The following modifiers are available to change the color or and/or size.

Full widthUse this modifier to change the width of your button component to be the full width of its container.
Big sizeUse this modifier to make a bigger button. Use when you need a more prominent call to action (CTA) on your page.
Small sizeOnly use this small button modifier when space is at a premium.


  • It is important to differentiate when a button uses an anchor to drive users to internal and external links, and when the button is completing another action.
    • Anchor link buttons should be used within components to draw attention to the call-to-action. These buttons should not be used within text to direct users to other pages or to different headings within a page.
    • If a button is performing a different action (i.e. submitting a form, opening/closing a dropdown, etc.), an anchor should not be included.
  • Use sentence case for button labels.
  • Write button label text that is short and actionable.
    • Use a verb for the first word of your button text label. Keep the text as short as possible with action words that clearly explain what will happen with the button is selected (e.g., Download, Learn more, or Sign up).
    • To create a more accessible user experience, use the aria-label to describe the desired action or next step in more detail (e.g., “Learn more about...” or “Sign up for...”)
    • When pointing to informational pages, include a succinct version of the page name within the button.
  • To make a CTA stand out, use the big modifier or the most visually distinct color modification.
  • Consider using the icon modifier to add an icon to a button. Use an icon to signal specific actions (Download, Open in a new window, etc).

Where to use

  • Use buttons to identify important actions users should take on your website, such as Download, Sign up or Log out.
    • Avoid using too many buttons on a page— this can cause decision fatigue and confusion, resulting in users not actually clicking on anything.

When to use

  • Use buttons to identify important actions users should take on your website, such as Download, Apply, Learn more, etc.

When to consider something else

  • Use a link styled using .usa-link when linking to internal and external pages within text, or if the action is less popular or less important.
  • Use a link styled using .usa-link when linking users to a location on the same page.

Best Practices

Character limits

  • Button text label: 30 characters (recommended)


  • Buttons should display a visible focus state when users tab to them.
  • Use standard markup. Avoid using <div> or <img> tags to create buttons. Screen readers don't automatically know either is a usable button.
  • Screen readers handle buttons and links differently. When styling links to look like buttons, remember that screen readers handle links slightly differently than they do buttons. Pressing the Space key triggers a button, but pressing the Enter key triggers a link.
  • Use the browser-native disabled attribute for any disabled button. Don't use usa-button--disabled, which is intended only for debugging and prototyping.

Code Snippets

Default Button

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button">Default</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--secondary">Secondary</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button—accent-cool">Accent Cool</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--accent-warm">Accent Warm</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--base">Base</button>

Outline Button

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button usa-button--outline">Default</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--outline usa-button--secondary">Secondary</button>
<span class="bg-ink padding-2">
<button class="usa-button usa-button--outline usa-button--inverse">Inverse</button>

Unstyled Button

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button usa-button--unstyled">Unstyled Default</button>

Size Modifications

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button usa-button--big">Big Default</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--nci-small">Small Default</button>

Width Modifications

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button usa-button--nci-full-width">Full Width Default</button>

Other Elements as Buttons

Component Preview
<a href="#" class="usa-button">Link</a>
<button type="submit" class="usa-button">Submit Button </button>
<input type="button" class="usa-button" value="Button Input" />
<input type="submit" class="usa-button" value="Submit Input" />
<input type="reset" class="usa-button" value="Reset Input" />

Disabled Button State

Component Preview
<button class="usa-button" disabled>Disabled Default</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--outline" disabled>Disabled Outline</button>
<button class="usa-button usa-button--unstyled" disabled>Unstyled Outline</button>

Disabled Link State

Component Preview
Disabled Link
<a class="usa-button" aria-disabled="true" tab-index="-1">Disabled Link</a>


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet to import all button variants.

@forward "usa-button";