A banner identifies official websites of government organizations in the United States. It allows users to know if a website is both official and secure. This component is required for all NCI informational websites and applications.

Banner background
Button (optional)
- Use the provided text without customization. The banner is most effective as an identifier when its message is consistent across government websites.
- With only a few exceptions, sites should use the top-level-domain-appropriate text provided, unaltered.
- Use the Spanish version of the banner for Spanish-language websites.
- Use background colors that fit with the website’s theme. Avoid color combinations that draw excessive attention to the banner.
- Use the most current version of the banner. Keep the text up to date.
- If website provides site-wide translation, use translation button with the NCI small button variant styling—only one button may be added.
Where to Use
- Must be used across the top of every page of a website. Adding the banner to select web pages can be confusing or misleading to users.
When to Use
- Must be used by all NCI division and center websites to designate the website as an official U.S. government organizational website. Do not use a banner that is not provided by NCI.
Use aria-labels to provide users with an accessible name for an element. If there is no visible name for the element, use aria-label to provide the user with a recognizable accessible name.
NCIDS default markup uses aria-label="official government website" to distinguish the banner header from the main header.
Use the banner directly following the skipnav component.
Aria-Label Translations Table
English Label | Spanish Label |
Official government website | Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos |
Code Snippets
NCI Banner
Component Preview
NCI Banner with Language Toggle
Component Preview
NCI Banner (Spanish)
Component Preview
NCI Banner with Language Toggle (Spanish)
Component Preview
Import this Sass partial into your style sheet.
@forward "usa-banner";/* This package should also be imported in your Sass style sheet if not already as banner with language toggle is dependent on it. */@forward "usa-button";