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An official website of the United States government


Lists are used to organize content into groups of related information, making it easier for users to scan through your webpage and understand how certain information is connected.

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Choose from following types of button components based on your page's content design or organizational needs.

Ordered List
  • Use the ordered list to group items in a list in numerical order.
Unordered List
  • Use the unordered list to group items in a list with bullets.
Unstyled List
  • Use the unstyled list to group items in a list without numbers nor bullets.


  • Use sentence case and begin lists with a capital letter.
  • Use punctuation appropriate to the text. Do not leave sentences without periods.

Where to use

  • Use lists within inner pages.

When to use

  • Ordered list: Use an ordered list when you need to display text in some ranking, hierarchy, or series of steps.
  • Unordered list: Use unordered lists to display text in no specific order.
  • Unstyled: Use unstyled list to display a list of content items without any specific styling like numbers or bullets.

When to consider something else

  • Displaying a compact list of multiple related content items within a landing page.
    • Alternative: Use the U.S. Web Design System's (USWDS’s) Collection component to highlight six or less related content items.


  • Aria-Labels provide an accessible name for an element. If there is no visible name for the element, use aria-label to provide the user with a recognizable accessible name.

Code Snippets

Unordered List

Component Preview
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item
<ul class="usa-list">
<li>Unordered list item</li>
<li>Unordered list item</li>
<li>Unordered list item</li>

Ordered List

Component Preview
  1. Ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
  3. Ordered list item
<ol class="usa-list">
<li>Ordered list item</li>
<li>Ordered list item</li>
<li>Ordered list item</li>


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet.

@forward "usa-list";