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An official website of the United States government

Guide Card Row

The Guide Card component can be assembled into a pattern of two or three guide cards, each guide card providing a set of 2-6 links to related resources.

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The 2 guide card row pattern is composed of 2 guide cards with image and description.

Example of a two guide card row with image and description.

The 3 guide card row pattern is composed of 3 guide cards without image or description.

Example of a three guide card row without image or description.

Refer to Guide Card for specific attributes of the guide card component.


Where to use

  • Use these component patterns on home and landing pages.
    • Using 1 guide card component (with or without image and description) on a home or landing page is not recommended to maintain the visual consistency of the site.

When to use

  • Use the 2 guide card row pattern within your home or landing pages to showcase two sets of 2-6 links to related resources.
    • We recommend grouping related links together within a guide card. However, the guide cards within this pattern do not have to be associated thematically.
  • Use the 3 guide card row pattern within your home or landing pages to showcase three sets of 2-6 links to related resources.
    • We recommend grouping related links together within a guide card. However, all three guide cards do not have to be associated thematically to be a part of this pattern.

When to consider something else

  • Showcasing call-to-actions (CTAs) for major initiatives or content marketing items that should be described further through an image and description.
    • Alternative: Promo block, promoting content for major initiatives will stand out better as a single item with an image and description using a promo block.
  • Showcasing multiple content items such as articles, blogs, news, or events— while also highlighting the association between these content items.
  • Showcasing one primary CTA that should be more prominently displayed than all other information on the page.

Best Practices

Refer to Guide Card for best practice recommendations specific to the guide card.

Component Preview

Guide card with image and description

Component Preview

Patients and Caregivers, with a Title Long Enough to Wrap to a Second Line

Placeholder Image

NCI is the nation's trusted source for cancer information. We're here with information about causes and risk factors, early detection and diagnosis, and treatment options.


Placeholder Image

Support for the best science underpins everything NCI does. NCI supports the best scientists and research projects through a rigorous grant application and peer review process.

Guide card without image and description

Component Preview


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet

@forward "nci-guide-card";