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An official website of the United States government

Summary Box Row

A summary box row is a pattern of two summary box components each displaying two different types of key information or next steps.

View in Figma


Example of a summary box row

It is recommended that a summary box row be composed of two summary box components. Refer to the Summary Box for specific attributes of that component.


Where to use

  • Use component on landing and inner pages.

When to use

  • Use if aiming to provide two different sets of key information, next steps or CTAs at the start of your page. Refer to the Summary Box Component for alternative guidance.

Best Practices

Refer to the Summary Box Component for best practice recommendations specific to the summary box.

Component Preview


Import this Sass partial into your stylesheet

@forward "usa-summary-box";
@forward "usa-layout-grid";
@forward "usa-list";
@forward "uswds-utilities";