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An official website of the United States government

Getting Started for Developers


  1. Phase 1: Install
  2. Phase 2: Compile
  3. Phase 3: Customize

Phase 1: Install

The NCI Design System distributes our source code through a node package manager (npm), that uses a flavor of JavaScript called Node.js. The best way to add the Design System to your project is with npm via a Terminal window (check out some tips for using Terminal on a Mac or Windows).

Installing the Design System with Node and npm not only allows you to install all the code the Design System needs to compile with just a couple commands, but will version any installed packages, like NCIDS, as well — meaning your project code is tied to a specific version of the Design System. Confirming what version you’re using and updating to a newer (or older) version is straightforward.

To download fonts, refer to the Typography page.

Step 1: Install Node and npm

Ensure that you have Node.js installed, preferably Node 18, to meet the required runtime environment.

Open your Terminal application and a Terminal window. Check to see if you have Node installed with node -v.

If you don’t have Node, we recommend installing it through a node version manager such as NVM on a Mac or Linux machine, or nvm-windows on a Windows machine. It can also be installed directly from Node.js.

Step 2: Authenticating to the NCIDS npm registry

NCIDS utilizes GitHub’s npm registry to host its packages. To access and download these packages, you need to be authenticated with a valid access token.

  1. Create your personal access token Follow the steps outlined in GitHub’s documentation for creating a personal access token (classic). Ensure that, at a minimum, the required scopes are set to read:packages: Screenshot showing read:packages checkbox

  2. Log in to the @NCIOCPL Organizational Scope on npm If you are using npm 9+, run the following command to log in to npm with the organizational scope and using the GitHub npm registry:

    npm login --scope=@NCIOCPL --auth-type=legacy --registry=

    You will be prompted to enter your username and password. Please be sure to use your new classic personal access token as your password:

    > Username: <USERNAME>
    > Password: <TOKEN>

    If you are using npm less than 9, login without the legacy option:

    npm login --scope=@NCIOCPL --registry=

    And follow the prompts to enter your email and password. Enter your token as your password.

    > Email: <USERNAME>
    > Password: <TOKEN>

For more details, see authenticating with a personal access token .

Step 3: Initialize your project in Node

Once you have Node and npm installed, go to the root of your project directory in Terminal. The root is the topmost directory associated with your project, the directory that includes all your project files and directories. In Terminal, the root will read as follows:

cd path/to/project/root

Initialize your project to create a file called package.json. Once you have this file, you can use npm to install software (or packages) like NCIDS.

npm init

This initialization will start a series of prompts at the command line. Usually the defaults (which are noted in parentheses) are okay for a simple project. You can always edit these values later.

In order to download the NCIDS, you will have to set up the @nciocpl organizational scope in npm to see the package. Create a .npmrc file in the root of your project containing the following:


Step 4: Install NCIDS

Now, you can install NCIDS into your project from the command line with npm.

At minimum, your project will require the ncids-css package. Install it via the command line:

npm install @nciocpl/ncids-css

In order to use the javascript components, download the ncids-js package separately. Install it via the command line:

npm install @nciocpl/ncids-js

Don’t modify the source code. Now that you’ve installed the NCIDS source code, it is controlled by npm and could be rewritten at any time.

Phase 2: Compile

NCIDS Sass needs three things to compile properly:

  • Sass Module syntax: NCIDS requires a modern Sass compiler that can parse Sass Module syntax.
  • Autoprefixing: NCIDS requires Autoprefixing your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with a specific .browserslistrc.
  • Sass Load Paths: NCIDS requires Sass compilers use Load Paths that reference the /packages directory in the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) package.


The design system requires autoprefixing to work properly. Don't add vendor prefixes to your custom styles manually — it is more reliable to use autoprefixing.

We use the following autoprefixer settings via .browserslistrc config:

> 2%
last 2 versions
not IE 11
not dead

About Sass Load Paths

ncids-css requires Sass Load Paths to compile for use in your project.

Load paths must include a path to the /packages directory for NCIDS packages and /uswds-packages for USWDS packages. An example using Webpack might look like:

Import NCIDS styles to your project

  1. Create a sass stylesheet in your project.

Import the required sass partials:

@use 'uswds-core' with (
$theme-image-path: '@nciocpl/ncids-css/uswds-img',
@forward 'uswds-global';

Next, add the entire NCIDS package library or just the packages you need:

  • Option 1: Import only the packages you need. (recommended)

    @forward 'nci-header';
    @forward 'usa-breadcrumbs';
    @forward 'usa-footer';
  • Option 2: Import the entire ncids-css library. This is not recommended due to the file size that will be generated.*

    @forward 'ncids';
  1. Create an index.js file. This is the entrypoint file set in the compiler of your project.
import './styles.scss';
console.log('hello world');

About @use and @forward

The @use and @forward directives are used to import and manage Sassy Cascading Style Sheets (SCSS) modules and partials.

  • @use directive allows you to import and use functionality from other SCSS modules. It provides better encapsulation and avoids conflicting global CSS class names. Use it to import SCSS modules that contain reusable styles, mixins, variables, or functions.

  • @forward directive allows you to re-export styles from one module to another. It acts as a bridge between different SCSS modules, making styles available for import in other files. Use it when you want to expose certain styles or functionality from one module to be used in another.

Note: The load paths option for importing Sass partials or modules is specific to Dart Sass. If you're using another Sass implementation, such as Node Sass, LibSass, or Ruby Sass, the load paths option may not be available. Make sure to use the appropriate load path mechanism specific to your chosen Sass implementation.


For more detailed instructions on how to setup your project, visit our example app repository.

Phase 3: Customize

Customize the design system with settings and custom code.

The USWDS Settings page describes each of the settings available in the settings files, as well as the values the settings accept. Most settings accept design tokens, visit the Foundations section of our website for more information on the available tokens for color, spacing units, font size, and more.