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An official website of the United States government


Float an item within a layout flow.

Utility Modules


Places an element on the left or right side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it.

Mixins and Functions

.float-valueu-float(value)@include u-float('left')@include u-float('right')@include u-float('none')

Utility Classes

Utility module usage information
Module nameAre responsive modifiers turned on?Active state modifiersGzip file sizeNon-gzip file size
floatFalseNone0.02 KB0.1 KB

The float utility classes have not been modified from the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS). Refer to the USWDS Float utility page for a complete listing of classes.


Clear any floated elements

Mixins and Functions

.clearfixclearfix@include clearfix

Utility Classes

Utility module usage information
Module nameAre responsive modifiers turned on?Active state modifiersGzip file sizeNon-gzip file size
clearfixFalseNone0.02 KB0.09 KB

Example usage

Component Preview
.float-left .float-right
<div className="clearfix border-1px">
<span class="float-left bg-secondary-light padding-2">.float-left</span>
<span class="float-right bg-secondary-light padding-2">.float-right</span>