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Set width and color of an item’s outline


Global color tokens

Class nameHex

Grayscale color tokens

Class nameHex

Basic color tokens

Class nameHex

Theme color tokens

Class nameHex
.outline-base-dark #565c65

State color tokens

Class nameHex
.outline-warning-dark #e5a000
.outline-success #42979a
.outline-info-dark #2099df
.outline-disabled-light #e6e6e6
.outline-disabled-dark #adadad
.outline-emergency #b60d43

Utilities may be used in component Sass with utility mixins. Highlighted tokens are the design tokens that serve as the foundation for all design system styles.

.outline-unitsu-outline(units)@include outline('05')
.outline-coloru-outline(color)@include outline-color('primary-lighter')

Using utilities mixins

  • Use single-quoted strings in utility mixins. Do not quote numbers or px values, with the exception of half (05) values like '05', '105', and '205' which should be treated as strings.
  • String tokens for half values (05) and negative values (like neg-1)may also be written with their unquoted number token equivalent: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, -1, -1.5, etc
  • If multiple utilities share the same prefix (ex: .text- or .flex-) or a single utility accepts multiple kinds of values (ex: .border accepts both border weight and border color), their shared mixin can accept multiple comma-separated values: u-text('primary-darkest', 'no-underline', 'bold') or u-border-top(2px, 'accent-warm').
  • Output any utility mixin as !important by appending !important to the mixin’s argument list: u-bg('red-warm-50v', !important)

For Designers: How to apply Outline in the NCIDS Design Kit in Figma

Refer to the Figma Guide for how to apply Outline to an item in Figma.